I am brave.
I am kind.
I am resilient.
to bring community together to raise awareness about rare diseases and support pediatric patients and their families through literacy, art therapy, and resources.
Empowered Ellie Foundation Mission

Ellie is our beautiful daughter and she is medically complex.
She has been on a long journey in her short four years, but with each hurdle, we all gain more confidence, growth, empathy, and resilience as a family.
Through our Literacy Project, we are committed to supporting pediatric patients and their families through the power of reading. Each Literacy Project packet comes with a children’s book they can take home, a custom bookmark with our mantras, and an encouraging, handwritten note, provided through our Caring Card Collective. We know this does not fix everything for patients and their families, but we hope they feel the love and support of the community.
Our Caring Card Collective brings community together by drafting encouraging, handwritten notes for patients. Notes go in each Literacy Project packet and sent off to local children’s hospitals! These notes are a beautiful way to let families and children know that they are not alone and we care about their experience.